Do you have a business in Katy, TX? Have you considered hiring commercial or janitorial cleaning services for your office/facility/building? Even if you do not have customers frequently visiting your establishment, you still want to keep your place fresh, clean, and safe for your employees. Selecting the right commercial or janitorial cleaning service company to help maintain your place clean is one of the most important decisions you will make.
Strategic Janitorial Solutions can help your Katy-based business by providing general cleaning, trash pick-up, vacuuming, and comfort room cleaning. When working to find a commercial or janitorial cleaning company, you have to ask several questions about their general cleaning services, and if your establishment has a specific need, such as:
- Trash removal at each workstation, cubicle, and common areas such as break rooms or vending areas
- Vacuuming
- Mopping, including elevators
- Blind and window cleaning
- Artificial plant cleaning
- Restroom cleaning and replenishment of paper products, soap, or personal health care products
If your facility/office/business has a break room, snack bar, or other areas where the food is kept, stored, or served, ask about that specific area. Your needs may include:
- Sweeping and mopping
- Furniture, table, and countertop cleaning
- Trash removal, removal of food waste, or removal of recyclable product
- Dishwashing or dishwashing machine loading and unloading
- Paper product replenishment
- Refrigerator cleanout
A lot of these professional commercial or janitorial cleaning companies should be able to accommodate your company's specific needs and requirements. Most janitorial or commercial cleaning companies offer daily, weekly, or monthly services, such as garbage pick-up, vacuum cleaning, and restroom cleaning to name a few.
An effective way to asses commercial or janitorial cleaning companies is to do research and talk to these companies to know if they have the experience and capabilities to meet your demands and expectations. A reliable cleaning company is important to your company's overall operation. You need to talk to them about your expectations before getting into a long-term contract.
Your company might not get regular customers or visitors, but having a clean, organized, and a safe space for your employees is a must. If you have a specific area of concern such as a computer area that requires a certain temperature and humidity, you have to make sure that the commercial or janitorial cleaning company has the experience to handle such task. Lastly, specify in your cleaning contract your expectations, cleaning schedule, and other requirements.
Strategic Janitorial can create different cleaning schedules that can be offered to accommodate your Katy-based company and personnel needs.