Currently weighing options between professional janitorial service companies that use conventional cleaning products versus those that offer eco-friendly cleaning alternatives? Unsure about whether or not green choices are right for your business? We’ve compiled some points to help to decide if “going green” is right for you.
Conventional cleaning products have ingredients like bleach and ammonia. Many conventional cleaners cannot be used in conjunction with each other, and often cannot be used near each other due to dangerous chemical reactions that may result. These kinds of cleaners must also be thoroughly rinsed off of surfaces in order to be safe for those surfaces to be safe. If proper usage instructions are not followed, you may be exposed to dangerous chemicals covering your workplace surfaces. By choosing eco-friendly or green cleaners, you don’t have to worry about these dangerous chemicals being released into your workplace environment and polluting your things.
Furthermore, exposure to conventional cleaners can impact your health. Minor side effects of chemical exposure can include rashes and other skin conditions, headaches, and irritated mucus membranes. More serious side effects include cancer, birth defects, and central nervous system damage.
Conventional cleaners do more than pollute your workplace surfaces; they also pollute your workplace air quality. This is because many conventional cleaners have a high number of Volatile Organic Compounds, or VOCs. VOCs enter the body when inhaled and can aggravate respiratory conditions and even impact organ function. Environmentally safe cleaners do not have VOCs and do not pose risks to users or those who come in contact with them.
When searching for a janitorial service provider, ask for their “green” services list. Many providers also use recycled paper products to clean and other environmentally responsible processes to keep your business looking its best while maintaining a safe environment for all.
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